Title: Duck! How your brain works out 3D motion from 2D(retinal)signals.
Faculty Host: Johannes Burge
URL for more information:
November 5, 2018
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: Duck! How your brain works out 3D motion from 2D(retinal)signals.
Faculty Host: Johannes Burge
URL for more information:
September 17, 2018
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: Acquiring and predicting structure via statistical learning.
Faculty Host: Elizabeth Brannon
URL for more information:
April 9, 2018
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: From Sensation to Conception
Faculty Host: David Brainard
URL for more information:
April 5, 2018
Gittis 1, 3501 Sansom Street
The 2017-2018 CNS Talk Series focuses on brain development and society. Lectures run 4:30-5:30 followed by discussion and a reception. Our lectures are free to attend, but due to limited seating, please rsvp to: info@neuroethics.upenn.edu.
For Better or Worse: Society's Impact on the Developing Brain
Allyson Mackey, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
March 1, 2018
Gittis 1, 3501 Sansom Street
The 2017-2018 CNS Talk Series focuses on brain development and society. Lectures run 4:30-5:30 followed by discussion and a reception. Our lectures are free to attend, but due to limited seating, please rsvp to: info@neuroethics.upenn.edu.
Neurodiversity: History, Politics and Human Well-Being
Steve Silberman, Author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity
Michael Yudell, Chair of Community Health and Prevention, Dornsife School of Public Health, Drexel University
February 1, 2018
Silverman 245A, 3501 Sansom Street
The 2017-2018 CNS Talk Series focuses on brain development and society. Lectures run 4:30-5:30 followed by discussion and a reception. Our lectures are free to attend, but due to limited seating, please rsvp to: info@neuroethics.upenn.edu.
Genetics, Social Class, and Education in Child Development
Elliot Tucker-Drob, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin
September 22, 2017
Goddard Lab 200
Join us for a graduate student-led dialogue on philosophy and science:
Ayelet Ruscio, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
in dialogue with
Ginger Hoffman, Professor of Philosophy, Saint Joseph’s University
This event will be about how researchers classify mental...
March 19, 2018
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: Learning from "failures" when behavioral research crosses cultures
Faculty Host: Coren Apicella
URL for more information:
February 26, 2018
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: The development of language as a social category
Faculty Host: Robert Kurzban
URL for more information:
February 12, 2018
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: Anomalies, forecasts, and decision research during the big data revolution
Faculty Host: Sudeep Bhatia
URL for more information: