Undergraduate Advising

All students must use Path@Penn to declare a major or minor. Please see the link on the left side of this page titled "Declaring a Psychology Major" for more information about the process.

The undergraduate advising team is happy to discuss the details of the Psychology major, Psychology minor, or the Consumer Psychology minor. We also can help with various issues throughout your undergraduate experience such as course selection, research guidance, and post-college discussions.

Current office hours are by appointment.


Current 2024 Office hours:


Dr. Liz Brannon, Director of Undergraduate Studies (dus@psych.upenn.edu)

Spring 2025 office hours: Tuesdays 1-3pm in Levin Bldg., Room 123

Office hours on 1/7 are Zoom only, no office hours on 1/14

By appointment on Calendly: https://calendly.com/professorbrannonofficehours/dus-office-hours


Dr. Caroline Connolly, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies (cconn@psych.upenn.edu)

Spring 2025 office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 2-4pm in Levin Bldg., Room 123

By appointment on Calendly: https://calendly.com/carolineconnolly/spring2025-office-hours


Ms. Claire Ingulli, Undergraduate Coordinator (cingulli@psych.upenn.edu)

T, R, and F from 11am-5:00pm.  Levin Bldg., Room 120


Note: Path@Penn is not always accurate when placing courses into your major on your online worksheet and degree audit.  If you notice any discrepancies please contact an advisor in the Psychology office who can make the necessary corrections.

Junior advising: 

All Psychology Majors have a mandatory Junior Advising meeting in the Fall semester of their Junior year. This is an opportunity for questions, and launching broader discussions about your future. In this meeting, we review your performance in the major, discuss your progress, and consider your future plans.

Junior advising is mandatory. Juniors will be placed on registration hold for the forthcoming Spring semester until after this meeting. This registration hold will be waived only in cases of study abroad during the Fall semester of Junior year. These study abroad students are required to come in for Junior Advising when they return to campus.