Double counting rules for majors and minors
Psychology Major double-counting rules:
- The Psychology major fulfills Sector 5, and no other course(s) from the Psychology major can be used to fulfill any of the other Sector requirements. In other words, only one course from your major can double count in the Sectors. It is also possible to take a psychology class that is not counted toward your major to apply to a second sector. If you are a double major one class from each major can count towards your sectors.
- There is no limit to the number of courses from the Psycholgy major that can double count with the Foundation requirements, if appropriate.
- Each major has their own double counting rules. Here are the rules for psychology, but you must check with your director for your other major to clarify their rules. Psychology majors must have a minimum of 7 Psychology Department (PSYC) courses that they count only in the Psychology major and not it any other major(s) or minor(s).
- If a Psychology major is also pursuing a CNPS minor, please note that in addition to following the rules above, two of the four PSYC courses in the CNPS minor must count only in the CNPS minor, not in any other major(s) or minor(s).
Psychology Minor double-counting rules:
- If a student is pursuing a PSYC minor, three of the PSYC courses in the PSYC minor must count only in the PSYC minor, not in any other major(s) or minor(s).
- If student is pursuing a CNPS minor, two of the four PSYC courses in the CNPS minor must count only in the CNPS minor, not in any other major(s) or minor(s).
- There is no limit to the number of courses from the PSYC minor and CNPS minor that can double count with the College Sector and Foundation requirements, if appropriate.
- Psychology majors must have a minimum of 7 Psychology Department (PSYC) courses that they count only in the Psychology major and not it any other major(s) or minor(s).
Path@Penn sometimes (actually quite often) places classes in the wrong spot. For example, a distribution might populate one of your 4 elective slots instead of populating one of your 6 required distributions. This is an easy fix and is not urgent. Anyone in the advising office can fix this for you during office hours.