Distribution Courses
Please note: Starting in Summer 2022 all PSYC courses will have a 4-digit course number.
A list of Lecture Courses with their new numbers (1000- and 2000-level) can be found here:
Distribution Requirement (6 courses): Psychology majors take six lecture courses which approach the various areas of the discipline in greater depth. Because Psychology is such a diverse discipline, majors distribute their six core courses across three content areas to ensure broad coverage. These content areas are biological science, cognitive science, and social science. Majors are required to take a 1000-level lecture course in each content area, as well as a second lecture course in each content area (the second course can be either a 1000- or 2000-level course). This totals six distribution courses. Please use Path@Penn to search for which courses are offered in a particular semester. The eligible courses will change from time to time as new courses are added and others deleted, but the current courses are below. Please note: Courses in italics are listed in more than one column, but can only be counted once.
Biological Science | Cognitive Science | Social Science | Level |
109/1210 (Intro to Brain & Behavior) | 111/1340 (Perception) | 162/1462 (Abnormal Psychology) | 1000-level (old number 100-level) |
127/1212 (Physiology of Motivated Behavior) | 149/1230 (Cognitive Neuroscience) | 170/1440 (Social Psychology) | |
149/1230 (Cognitive Neuroscience) ______________________________ 159/1530 (Memory) | 151/1310 (Language and Thought) ______________________________ 159/1530 (Memory) ______________________________ 181/1777 (Intro to Developmental Psychology) | 181/1777 (Intro to Developmental Psychology) | |
| 207/ 1333 (Intro to Cognitive Science) |
217/2240 (Visual Neuroscience) | 235/2310 (Psychology of Language) | 253/2737 (Judgment & Decision Making) | 2000-level (old number 200-level) |
225/2250 (Drugs, Brain, and Mind) | 253/2737 (Judgment & Decision Making) | 265/2750 (Behavioral Econ & Psych) | |
231/2220 (Evolution of Animal Behavior) | 265/2750 (Behavioral Econ & Psych) | 266/2400 (Positive Psychology) | |
239/2260 (Neuroendocrinology) | 273/2555 (Neuroeconomics) | 280/2477 (Social and Emotional Development) | |
247/2288 (Neuroscience and Society) | 281/2377 (Cognitive Development) | 247/2288 (Neuroscience and Society) | |
273/2555 (Neuroeconomics) | 2314 (Data Science for Language and Mind) |
| |
| 2740 (Choice) |
N.B. Courses in italics are listed in more than one column, but can only be counted once.
Information about the other requirements of the Psychology major can be found here.