Title: "Where do social norms come from and why do they matter?"
Faculty Host: Geoff Goodwin
URL for more info:
February 6, 2017
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: "Where do social norms come from and why do they matter?"
Faculty Host: Geoff Goodwin
URL for more info:
November 14, 2016
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: "Adversity and advantage: the influence of social environments on fitness in social mammals"
Faculty host: Robert Seyfarth
URL for more info:
November 7, 2016
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: "Measuring Psychological Traits using Social Media"
Faculty Host: Marty Seligman
URL for more info:
October 24, 2016
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: "Dealing with social stress during adolescence."
Faculty Host: Angela Duckworth
URL for more info:
March 28, 2016
Stiteler Hall, B26 (208 South 37th Street)
Title: Towards a Rational Theory of Heuristics
Faculty Host: Barbara Mellers
URL for more info:
April 7, 2016
Room 2, Gittis Hall, 3501 Sansom Street
Stephen J. Morse, JD, PhD, Penn Law School
March 3, 2016
Room 2, Gittis Hall, 3501 Sansom Street
Geoffrey K. Aguirre, MD, PhD, Penn Department of Neurology
February 4, 2016
Martha J. Farah, PhD, Penn Department of Psychology
December 3, 2015
Room 240A, Silverman Hall, 3501 Sansom Street
Adrian Raine, D.Phil., Penn Department of Criminology
November 5, 2015
Room 240A, Silverman Hall, 3501 Sansom Street
Speaker: Anna Wexler, Visiting Fellow, Penn Center for Neuroscience & Society and MIT Department of Science, Technology, and Society