Clinical Program Committee

Oversight of the clinical training program is provided by the Clinical Program Committee:

  • Robert DeRubeis - Clinical Faculty Emeritus   
  • Philip Gehrman - Clinical Graduate Group Faculty   
  • Melissa Hunt - Associate Director of Clinical Training
  • Sara Jaffee - Core Clinical Faculty
  • Kristin Murtha - Clinical Student Representative
  • Barbara Mellers - Departmental Faculty
  • Ayelet Meron Ruscio - Director of Clinical Training
  • Martin Seligman - Core Clinical Faculty
  • Rebecca Waller - Core Clinical Faculty

The committee consists of the four tenure-track core clinical faculty (Drs. Jaffee, Ruscio, Seligman, and Waller), the Associate Director of Clinical Training (Dr. Hunt), one non-clinical faculty member from the department (Dr. Mellers), one clinical faculty member from outside the department who is a member of the Psychology Graduate Group (Dr. Gehrman), and a former Director of Clinical Training who serves in an advisory capacity (Dr. DeRubeis). Each year the clinical students elect a non-voting student representative to the committee; the current student representative is Kristin Murtha. 

Dr. Ruscio is the Director of Clinical Training and leads the clinical training program. Dr. Hunt serves as Associate Director of Clinical Training and is responsible for much of the day-to-day administration of the program. In this capacity, Dr. Hunt meets with all of the clinical students regularly, helps them obtain appropriate practicum placements, and serves as a liaison between students and their off-site supervisors. The Clinical Program Committee as a whole oversees the clinical program and helps to ensure that policies of the program are consistent with broader departmental policies and goals. The committee also bears responsibility for helping students complete the program when special circumstances arise, or when students encounter difficulties with any aspect of their doctoral training.