Clinical Coursework

Psychopathology Proseminar (PSYC 6000)

This course covers fundamental topics in psychopathology, with an emphasis on presenting features and etiological factors, and with attention to strengths and limitations of the current nosological system (the DSM). Theoretical models of psychopathological phenomena and major syndromes (e.g., emotional disorders, psychotic disorders, personality disorders) are discussed, with reference to relevant empirical findings. Implications for treatment are also considered.

Clinical Seminars (PSYC 7090)

These courses cover a wide array of specialized topics in the area of clinical psychology. Courses in other departments with highly relevant content, a rigorous syllabus, and a clear evaluation component can often be counted toward this requirement. Some recent courses include:

  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Transdiagnostic Processes in Psychpathology
  • Treatment of Anxiety and Depression
  • Violence: Clinical Neuroscience Approaches
  • Approaches to Psychotherapy
  • Positive Psychology

Psychological Assessment (PSYC 8100)

This course provides a basic introduction to the theories and tools of psychological assessment. Students learn how to administer and interpret a number of cognitive, learning, neuropsychological, and personality tests including the WAIS, WMS, WIAT, MMPI-3, Delis-Kaplan Executive Function Tests, and so on. Attention is given to serving as a consultant, differential diagnosis, case conceptualization, and integrating test results into formal but accessible reports.

Psychodiagnostic Interviewing (PSYC 8110)

This course, usually taken simultaneously with PSYC 8100, provides a basic introduction to psychodiagnostic interviewing and differential diagnosis. Students learn to take clinical histories and to administer a number of standardized diagnostic interviews, including the mental status exam, DIAMOND, SCID II, ADIS, and various clinician rating scales such as the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. Attention is also given to self-report symptom inventories such as the Beck Depression Inventory and the Autism Questionnaire, as well as to computerized diagnostic tools.

Empirically Supported Treatments (PSYC 7090)

This course, which is required for all clinical students, covers a wide range of approaches to the treatment of psychopathology that have a strong evidence base supporting their efficacy. Students will learn the criteria that must be applied to determine whether a treatment can be considered an EST, and will review various research methods and approaches that can be applied to that end.

Ethics and Professional Standards (PSYC 7090)

This course covers issues in professional ethics and the laws governing the practice of clinical psychology. Students learn to understand and apply the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, as well as the Pennsylvania Ethics Code for Psychologists. The course also covers relevant statutes, case law, regulations, rules, and policies governing health service psychology at the state and federal level. Woven into the course at every level is competent clinicial practice, especially multicultural competence and humility.