Travis Meyer

Senior Research Director

PhD, Neuroscience, Wake Forest University 

BS, Psychobiology Florida Atlantic University

Office Location: 
Goddard labs, 408
Research Interests: 


Learning and Memory

Machine Learning

Selected Publications: 

Meyer T, Rust NC. Single-exposure Visual Memory Judgments are Reflected in
Inferotemporal Cortex. eLife Mar, 8 (7): 32259 (2018)

Ramachandran S, Meyer T, Olson CR. Prediction Suppression in Monkey
Inferotemporal Cortex Depends on the Conditional Probability between
Images. Journal of Neurophysiology Nov, 18(115):355-362 (2015)

Meyer T, Walker C, Cho RY, Olson CR. Image Familiarization Sharpens
Response Dynamics of Neurons in Inferotemporal Cortex. Nature
Neuroscience Oct, 17(10):1388-94 (2014)

Meyer T, Ramachandran S, Olson CR. Statistical Learning of Serial Visual
Transitions by Neurons in Monkey Inferotemporal Cortex. Journal of
Neuroscience Jul 9; 34(28):9332-7 (2014)

Katsuki F, Qi KL, Meyer T, Kostelic PM, Salinas E, Constantinidis C.
Differences in Intrinsic Functional Organization Between Dorsolateral
Prefrontal and Posterior Parietal Cortex. Cerebral Cortex Mar 31 (2013)

Meyer T, Olson CR. Statistical Learning of Visual Transitions in Monkey
Inferotemporal Cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Nov 29; 108 (48) 19401-19406 (2011)