Human memory and its neural mechanisms
I am interested in human memory and its neural basis. Together with my trainees, I investigate memory using a combination of behavioral, computational, and neurophysiological methods. In our computational investigations, we build mathematical and computer-simulation models to account for the dynamics of memory retrieval in a variety of episodic and spatial memory tasks. Because behavioral data provides a sparse reflection of the brain's activity supporting memory, we simultaneously record neurophysiological signals as patients with arrays of implanted electrodes perform memory tasks. In these investigations we study neural activity at multiple spatial scales, ranging from individual neurons to spatially-distributed networks of field-potential activity supporting memory. Several of our current projects also use electrical stimulation to manipulate memory circuits, both for understanding basic memory mechanisms and also for developing therapies to restore memory in patients with brain injury or neurological disease.
Professor Michael Kahana will not be considering new graduate students for admission for Fall 2025.
Professor Kahana's publications may be accessed through his lab website, http://memory.psych.upenn.edu/Publications