BA, Literature, Antioch College;
Ph.D., Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania
Psycholinguistics; morphological syntactic structure, language acquisition
Gleitman, L. R., Liberman, M. Y., McLemore, C. A., & Partee, B. H. (2019). The Impossibility of Language Acquisition (and How They Do It). Annual Review of Linguistics, 5, 1-24.
Landau, B., & Gleitman, L. R. (1985). Language and experience: Evidence from the blind child. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
Li, P., Abarbanell, L.,, Gleitman, L., & Papafragou, A. (2011). Spatial reasoning in Tenejapan Mayans. Cognition, 120, 33-53.
Papafragou, A., Cassidy, K. & Gleitman, L.R. (2007). When we think about thinking: The acquisition of belief verbs. Cognition, 105(1), 125-165.
Gleitman, L., January, D., Nappa, R., & Trueswell, J.C. (2007). On the give and take between event apprehension and utterance formulation. Journal of Memory and Language, 57(4), 544-569.
Gleitman, L., Gleitman, H., Miller, C., and Ostrin, R., (1996) 'Similar' and similar concepts, Cognition 58, 321-376.
Li, P. and Gleitman, L.R., Turning the tables: spatial language and spatial reasoning. (2002) Cognition, 83:3, 265-294.
Gleitman, L.R. and A. Papafragou (2005) Language and thought, in Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning R. Morrison & K. Holyoak (eds), NY: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Gleitman, L.R., Cassidy, K., Papafragou, A., Nappa, R., & Trueswell, J.T. (2005) Hard words, Journal of Language Learning and Development, 1:1., 23-64
Trueswell, J. & L.R. Gleitman (2005) Children’s eye movements during listening: evidence for a constraint-based theory of parsing and word learning, in J. M. Henderson & F. Ferreira (eds). Interface of vision, language, and action, NY: Psychology Press.