MA in Psychology, University of Pennsylvania;
Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral approaches
My research focuses on investigating the efficacy of psychotherapy and attempting to uncover the mechanisms of change involved in different psychotherapies, including psychodynamic and cognitive therapies. For the most part, my research has focused on patients with depression, panic disorders, personality disorders, cocaine dependence and interpersonal problems. The main areas of my research include:
• The role of the acquisition of compensatory skills and other meta-cognitive skills during therapy.
• Research on the therapeutic alliance and its relation with therapeutic process and outcome
• Research on therapists' intervention, including examining the relation among therapists' adherence to treatment protocols (manuals) and therapists' competent delivery of therapeutic interventions on patients' outcome.
• Research on the relation among therapeutic alliance, therapists' intervention, patients' characteristics and outcome of psychotherapy.
• Personality and social cognition research, especially as relevant to core conflicts and dysfunctional interpersonal patterns
Barber, J.P., Barrett, M.S., Gallop, R., Rynn, M. & Rickels, K. (2012). Short-Term Dynamic Therapy vs. pharmacotherapy for major depressive disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 73(1), 66–73. 10.4088/JCP.11m06831
Summers, R.J. & Barber, J.P.: Dynamic Psychotherapy: A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice. New York, NY: Guilford Press 2010.
Barber, J.P.: Towards a Working Through of Core Conflicts in Psychotherapy Research. Psychotherapy Research. 19(1): 1-12, 2009.
Wiseman, H. & Barber, J.P.: Echoes of the Trauma: Relationship Themes and Emotions in the Narratives of the Children of Holocaust Survivors. Cambridge University Press. 2008.
McCarthy, K.S., Gibbons, M.B., Barber, J.P.: The Relation of Rigidity Across Relationships With Symptoms and Functioning: An Investigation With the Revised Central Relationship Questionnaire. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 55: 346-358. 2008.
Barrettt, M.S. & Barber, J.P. : Interpersonal profiles in major depressive disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology 63(3): 247-266, 2007.
Iacovellio, B.M., McCarthy, K.S., Barrettt, M.S., Rynn, M., Gallop, R. & Barber, J.P. : Treatment Preferences Affect the Therapeutic Alliance: Implications for Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 75(1): 194-198, 2007.
Barber, J. P., Sharpless, B.A., Klostermann, S.; & McCarthy, K. S. : Assessing intervention competence and its relation to therapy outcome: A selected review derived from the outcome literature. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 38(5): 493-500, october 2007.
Barber, J.P. : Issues and findings in investigating predictors and moderators of psychotherapy outcome: Introduction to the special section. Psychotherapy Research. 17: 131-136, 2007.
Barber, J.P.,Triffleman, E., & Marmar, C.: Considerations in Treatment Integrity: Implications and Recommendations for PTSD Research. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 20: 793-805 2007.
Crits-Christoph, P., & Barber, J.P. (2007). : Psychological treatments for personality disorders. A guide to treatments that works (3rd edition) P.E. Nathan & J.M. Gorman (eds.). New-York: Oxford University Press. Page: 641-658, 2007.
Barber, J.P., Gallop, R., Crits-Christoph, P., Frank, A., Thase, M.E., Weiss, R.D. & Connolly Gibbons, M.B. : The role of therapist adherence, therapist competence, and the alliance in predicting outcome of individual drug counseling: Results from the NIDA Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study. Psychotherapy Research 16: 229-240, 2006.
- Psychology 262 Abnormal Psychology: Systems of Psychotherapy
- Psychology 709 Psychopathology and Psychotherapy: A Psychodynamic Perspective
Department of Psychiatry; Psychology Graduate Group