BA, Psychology, Columbia University;
Sc.D., Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health
Current projects include:
Autism intervention research network for behavioral health
This proposal will identify barriers and to advance strategies for the deployment of evidence-based interventions for core features of autism effectively and sustainably in under-resourced schools that have highly diverse and underserved populations of children. Using techniques from implementation science and community-based participatory research, we will establish partnerships with local schools, involve community members in identifying and responding to priorities, and develop manualized protocols for training (Year 1). We then will use the strategies and partnerships developed in Year 1 to deploy the chosen evidence based interventions and evaluate the effects of the deployment strategies on community practices and child outcomes Years 2-3).
Evaluating the Effects of Autism Insurance Mandates
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), an often-disabling set of developmental disorders, pose a major public health concern in the United States. In this project, we aim to study the effects of state autism mandate laws on treated prevalence, service utilization patterns, provider reimbursement rates and health care spending.
Clinical algorithm for identifying adult autism
The study seeks support to refine and test a clinical algorithm for identifying autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in adults receiving outpatient psychiatric care. These adults frequently are misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated in community mental health settings. The proposed study will provide the first US estimates of ASD in an outpatient population and will greatly enhance community clinicians’ ability to identify adults with ASD.
Which placement for which child? Moderators of outcome in an urban early intervention system
The goals of the project are to: 1) examine the type and quality of EI delivered in the community; 2) compare the effectiveness of different EI programs; and 3) investigate child characteristics associated with outcomes in each program. The project will compare outcomes in inclusive, mixed-disability, and autism-only community-based placements in a diverse, urban EI system.
Ainsley Buck [Psychology Graduate Student]
Alyssa Hernandez [Psychology Graduate Student]
Simone Schriger [Psychology Graduate Student]