MD, University of Pennsylvania
BA in Philosophy, Haverford College;
Cognitive Neuroscience and Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology
Our major emphasis is on the study of attention, perception, and language. The research is conducted by studying patients with selective deficits following brain damage and using functional neuroimaging in normal subjects. The following are some of the questions being pursued: |
Neuroscience Graduate Group; Psychology Graduate Group |
Chen E, Widick P, Chatterjee A. Functional-anatomical organization of predicate metaphor processing. Brain & Language. 2008, 107: 194-202
Chatterjee A. The Neural Organization of Spatial Thought and Language. Seminars in Speech and Language. 2008, 29: 226-238
Wu D, Morganti A, Chatterjee A. Neural substrates of processing path and manner information of a moving event. Neuropsychologia. 2008, 46: 704-713
Wu D, Waller S, Chatterjee A. The functional neuroanatomy of thematic role and locative relational knowledge. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2007, 19(9): 1542-1555
Kable J, Chatterjee A. Specificity of action representations in occipitotemporal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2006, 18(9): 1498-1517.
Kable J, Kan IP, Wilson A, Thompson-Schill SL, Chatterjee A.Conceptual representations of action in the lateral temporal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2005, 17(12): 1855-1870.
Smith S E, Chatterjee A. Visuospatial Attention in Children. Archives of Neurology, 2008, 65(10):1284-1288.
Snyder J, Chatterjee A. The Frontal Cortex and Exogenous Attentional Orienting. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2006, 18(11):1913-1923.
Ricci R, Genero R, Colombatti S, Zampieri D, Chatterjee A. Visuomotor links in awareness: evidence from extinction. Neuroreport, 2005, 16(8): 843-847.
Chatterjee A., Thomas, A., Smith, S.E., and Aguirre, G.K. The Neural Response to Facial Attractiveness. Neuropsychology, 2008, (in press).
Chatterjee A. The Neuropsychology of visual art: conferring capacity. International Review of Neurobiology, 2006, 74: 39-49.