A recording of this colloquium can be viewed here.
Title: Halting Legacies of Trauma
Faculty Host: Michael Platt
For more information: http://diaslab.weebly.com/research.html
June 4, 2021
A recording of this colloquium can be viewed here.
Title: Halting Legacies of Trauma
Faculty Host: Michael Platt
For more information: http://diaslab.weebly.com/research.html
April 13, 2021
Penn Science Café: COVID-19 and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
Monday, April 19, 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
The pandemic has entered a new phase, full of new questions. In this virtual Penn Science Café Joseph Kable and Barbara Mellers look at what research has to say about the processes underlying the choices we make.
Q&A session following the talk. More information and event registration can be found ...
March 17, 2021
Stephen A. Levin Family Dean’s Forum: Range vs. Grit.
Thursday, March 25th, 2:00pm
Angela Duckworth and David Epstein will take the virtual stage to discuss two different, seemingly contrasting perspectives on the secret to success.
More information and event registration can be found HERE.
March 3, 2021
A recording of this colloquium can be viewed here.
Title: Delight, Desire & Dread
Faculty Host: Harvey Grill
For more information: https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/berridge-lab/
February 26, 2021
Martha J. Farah has been awarded the 2021 HCW Medal by the Society of Experimental Psychologists for her foundational cognitive neuroscientific work on face and object recognition, visual attention, mental imagery, and semantic memory.
This includes her fundamental contributions to cognitive neuroscience and more recent work on the interface between neuroscience and society and investigating the influence of early life experience on neurocognitive development.
February 16, 2021
Congratulations to David Brainard, winner of the 2021 Optical Society Edgar D. Tiller Award!
This award is presented for distinguished work in the field of vision, including the optics, physiology, anatomy or psychology of the visual system.
David is honored for groundbreaking experimental and theoretical contributions to our understanding of how the visual system resolves the ambiguities inherent in sensory signals to produce a stable percept of object color.
...February 10, 2021
Congratulations Sudeep Bhatia, winner of a 2021 Association for Psychological Science Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions!
The Spence Award recognizes APS members who have made transformative early career contributions and have shown innovative research ideas that have helped advance psychological science.
January 21, 2021
Congratulations Nicole Rust, winner of a 2021 National Academy of Sciences’ Troland Research Award!
Two Troland Research Awards for significant advancements in experimental psychology and neuroscience are awarded annually by The National Academy of Sciences to recognize unusual achievement by early-career researchers.
By focusing on single unit activity in the neural signals of the primate visual system, her work has pushed the field forward both in providing new insights about how neural signals throughout the visual system inform specific capabilities, and about how the...
November 3, 2020
A recording of this colloquium can be viewed here.
Title: Mechanisms of Threat Control in Humans
Faculty Host: Anna Schapiro
URL for more information: https://psychology.fas.harvard.edu/people/elizabeth-phelps-0
Animal models of associative threat learning provide a basis for understanding human fears and anxiety. Building on research from animal models, I will explore a range of means...
October 13, 2020
Congratulations to the newly elected Society for the Neurobiology of Language Board of Directors
Sharon Thompson-Schill, Chair-Elect
Ingrid Johnsrude, Treasurer-Elect (University of Western Ontario)
Patrick Wong, Secretary-Elect (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Michele T. Diaz, Program Committee Chair-Elect (Penn State University)
The newly elected Board Members will assume their office at the close of the SNL 2020 Annual Meeting.