Past Events
Lucy Brown, Clinical Professor, Department of Neurology, Einstein College of Medicine
January 23, 2017
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: Love and Desire:Survival Systems and Hormone Associations in the Brain
Faculty Host: Harvey Grill
URL for more info:
Center for Neuroscience & Society Public Talk Series: Owen Jones, Vanderbilt
April 6, 2017
Location: Tanenbaum Hall 145, 3501 Sansom Street
Title: Frontiers in Neurolaw: Promise, Perils, and New Findings
Owen Jones, Vanderbilt University Law School, and The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience
Lectures run 4:30-5:30 followed by discussion and a reception. Limited seating, please rsvp to:
Center for Neuroscience & Society Public Talk Series: Paul Glimcher, NYU
March 2, 2017
Location: Tanenbaum Hall 145, 3501 Sansom Street
Title: Neuroeconomics and the Future of the Decision Sciences
Paul Glimcher, Julius Silver Professor of Neural Science, Economics and Psychology, New York University
Lectures run 4:30-5:30 followed by discussion and a reception. Limited seating, please rsvp to: -
Center for Neuroscience & Society Public Talk Series
February 2, 2017
Location: Silverman Hall 245A, 3501 Sansom Street
Title: Neurophilosophy and the Origin of Moral Practices
Patricia Churchland, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of California, San Diego
Lectures run 4:30-5:30 followed by discussion and a reception. Limited seating, please rsvp to: -
Center for Neuroscience & Society Public Talk Series
December 1, 2016
Silverman Hall 240A, 3501 Sansom Street
*For updates see
5th Annual GVR Khodadad Lecture
Title: Political Science in the Neurobiological Revolution: Genes, Brains, Environments, Self-Interest and Behavior
Peter Hatemi, Department of Political Science, Penn State University
Lectures run 4:30-5:30 followed by discussion and a reception. Limited seating, please rsvp to:
Center for Neuroscience & Society Public Talk Series
November 3, 2016
Huntsman Hall 260, 3730 Walnut Street
*For updates see
Title: Promise and Pitfalls of Neuroeducation
John Gabrieli, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT
Lectures run 4:30-5:30 followed by discussion and a reception. Limited seating, please rsvp to: -
Center for Neuroscience & Society Public Talk Series
October 6, 2016
Silverman Hall 240A, 3501 Sansom Street
*For updates see
Title: From Moral Concern to Moral Constraint: The Next Frontier of Neuroethics
Fiery Cushman, Department of Psychology, Harvard University
Lectures run 4:30-5:30 followed by discussion and a reception. Limited seating, please rsvp to: -
Recovering Inside? Ethical Challenges in Correctional Mental Health Care By: Scattergood Program for Applied Ethics of Behavioral Health Care
October 20, 2016
National Constitution Center, Kirby Auditorium - 525 Arch Street Independence Mall, Philadelphia, PA 19106
For more information, please visit -
Russell Poldrack, Albert Ray Lang Professor, Department of Psychology, Stanford University
April 3, 2017
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: The future of fMRI in cognitive neuroscience
Faculty Host: Joe Kable
URL for more info:
March 27, 2017
Levin Auditorium (425 S. University Ave.)
Title: Quantum models of cognition and decision
Faculty Host: Sudeep Bhatia
URL for more info: