Students in Rob DeRubeis's lab code sessions of cognitive therapy for depression to identify therapist and client behaviors related to better treatment outcome.
With Ilana Ritov, Jon Baron found that outcomes that are absolutely prohibited (PVs) tend to show a greater discrepancy between acts and omissions that cause them (omission bias).
Harvey Grill and lab members have shown that leptin, a hormone made in fat, acts on the same neurons in the brain that respond to signals arising from food in the stomach. Immunohistochemical images of **green** pSTAT leptin responsive cells, **red** c-Fos stomach distention responsive cells and yellow neurons responsive to both signals
People differ in the degree to which they will choose larger, delayed rewards over smaller, immediate ones. Joe Kable and colleagues have found that activity in specific parts of the brain, striatum and medial prefrontal cortex, reflects the subjective value that particular person places on future rewards.