Past Events
Professor Jamil Zaki, Associate Professor of Psychology, Stanford University
April 26, 2021
Title: "Unforced errors in our emotional lives."Faculty Host: Joseph Kable and Anna JenkinsURL for more information: talk will be virtual and the zoom link and password will be sent on the day of the talk. -
Professor Brian G. Dias, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of USC
April 12, 2021
A recording of this colloquium can be viewed here.
Title: Halting Legacies of Trauma
Host: Michael Platt
URL for more information:This talk will be virtual and the zoom link and password will be sent on the day of the talk. -
Neil Lewis, Jr. Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Cornell University
March 15, 2021
Title: Looking Back to Move Forward: Long-Term Effects of Segregation on Perception, Action, and Cognition
Faculty Host: Coren Apicella
URL for more information:
This talk will be virtual and the zoom link and password will be sent on the day of the talk
Kent Berridge, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Michigan
March 1, 2021
A recording of the this colloquium can be viewed here.
Title: Delight, desire and dread
Faculty Host: Harvey Grill
URL for more information:
This talk will be virtual and the zoom link and password will be sent the day of the talk.
Lynn Hasher, Professor of Psychology & Senior Scientist, University of Toronto
December 7, 2020
Title: TMI: Disengagement and Memory
Faculty Host: Michael Kahana
URL for more information:
This talk will be virtual and the zoom link and password will be sent the day of the talk.
Elizabeth Phelps, Professor, Department of Psychology, Harvard University
November 2, 2020
A recording of this colloquium can be viewed here.Title: Mechanisms of Threat Control in HumansFaculty Host: Anna SchapiroURL for more information: talk will be virtual and the zoom link and password will be sent on the day of the talk....Penn Psychology History Of The Department Colloquium
September 24, 2020
Paul and Marty concentrate on our history, particularly the aspects they knew intimately, rather than rendering a global history. They hope their stories will have implications for our long-term future as a department.
Book Club Author Appearance with Matthew Cobb
October 29, 2020
October's Book: The Idea of the Brain, by Matthew Cobb (2020)Author appearance and discussion with Matthew Cobb.Please RSVP to to receive the Zoom link.Book Club Discussion on Consciousness with Russell Epstein
October 27, 2020
October's Book: The Idea of the Brain, by Matthew Cobb (2020)Russell Epstein, cognitive neuroscientist, whose research and teaching spans vision, memory and consciousness, will lead a discussion on consciousness. This is the subject of chapter 15, and is arguably neuroscience’s greatest challenge (or greatest dead end?).Please RSVP to to receive the Zoom link.Book Club Discussion on the Future of Neuroscience with Michael Platt
October 23, 2020
October's Book: The Idea of the Brain, by Matthew Cobb (2020)Neuroscientist Michael Platt, who carries out basic and applied neuroscience research, with animal and human subjects, in the lab and in the field, will lead a discussion of the book’s final chapter, on the future of neuroscience.Please RSVP to to receive the Zoom link.