The following is a list of psychologists who received their Ph.D.'s from University of Pennsylvania. The list is ordered chronologically. Dissertation titles are provided starting with the year 2000. Click here for an alphabetical list.
Miller, Caspar W., 1893
Moore, Kathleen C., 1896
Cornman, Oliver P., 1899
McKeng, Anna J., 1900
Twitmeyer, Edwin B., 1902
Gault, Robert H., 1905
Bryan, James E., 1908
Heilman, Jacob D., 1908
Buehrle, Jacob, 1908
Vuilleumier, Charles, 1908
Smith, Stevenson, 1909
Town, Clara H., 1909
Snyder, Aaron M., 1910
Cameron, Norman, 1911
Phillips, George B.A., 1911
Young, Walter J., 1911
Fernberger, Samuel W., 1912
McCallie, Joseph M., 1912
Maxfield, Francis M., 1912
Sylvester, Reuel H., 1912
Mitchell, David, 1913
Bryant, Louise S., 1914
Lattimore, Eleanor L., 1916
Reiter, Frank H., 1916
Young, Herman H., 1916
Humpstone, Henry J., 1917
Williams, Gertha, 1917
Ide, Gladys G., 1918
Kephart, Adam P., 1918
Paschal, Franklyn, 1918
Holsopple, Frances, 1919
Ide, Archie L., 1919
Miller, Karl G., 1921
Viteles, Morris, 1921
Leaming, Rebecca, 1922
Starr, Henry E., 1922
Brotemarkle, Robert A., 1923
Starr, Anna S., 1923
Easby, Charlotte, 1924
Hutt, Robert, 1924
Jones, Alice M., 1924
Ninde, Frederick, 1924
Oberly, Henry S., 1924
Stratton, Leon, 1924
Rudisill, Earl, 1925
Young, Mary H., 1926
Cooper, Stanley F., 1927
Hart, John, 1927
Kessler, Mabel G., 1927
Lufkin, Harold M., 1927
McCaulley, Selinda, 1927
Murphy, Miles S., 1927
Pendleton Jr., Charles R., 1927
Biddle, Anna E., 1928
Hallowell, Dorothy K., 1928
Trumper, Max, 1928
Brown, Adelaide, 1929
Gengerelli, Joseph A., 1929
Humes, John F., 1929
Sanderson, Sidney, 1929
Scott, John, 1929
Altmaier, Carl, 1930
Buzby, Dallas, 1930
Hovde, Howard, 1930
Nathanson, Yale S., 1930
Mendenhall, Georgiana 1930
Phillips, Arthur, 1930
Twitmeyer, Arthur M., 1930
Irwin, Frances W., 1931
Lynch, Clyde, 1931
Wright, Melvin, 1931
Arons, Leon, 1932
Farson, Mabel, 1932
Groff, Marne, 1932
Hallet, Winslow, 1932
Kamper, Agnes, 1932
Schultz, Richard, 1932
Tait, Edwin F., 1932
Van Buskirk, William L., 1932
Folgmann, Emil E., 1933
Hall, Marion, 1933
Richards, Thomas, 1933
Snee, Thomas J., 1933
Elderton, Marion, 1933
Preston, Malcolm G., 1934
Davies, Elizabeth, 1935
Otis, Jay L., 1936
Smith, Kinsley R., 1936
Seidenfeld, Morton, 1937
Stevens, Harold, 1937
Herrick, Colin, 1938
Gobey, John, 1940
Martin, John R., 1940
Watts, Frederick P., 1941
Weaver, Herbert, 1942
Woodward, Patricia L., 1942
Bayton, James A., 1943
Thompson, Albert S., 1943
Capwell, Dora, 1944
Carlson, Wendell, 1946
Gebhard, Mildred E., 1947
David, Gilbert, 1948
Diggory, James C., 1948
Singer, Martin, 1949
French, Edward, 1950
Hindle, Helen, 1950
Kahn, Lessing, 1950
Marks, Rose, 1950
McNeal, Benjamin, 1950
Meltzoff, Julian, 1950
Winfield, Don, 1950
Winn, John, 1950
Davidon, Robert, 1951
Filer, Robert J., 1951
Hubert, Clair E., 1951
Klein, Sherwin J., 1951
Mitchell, Howard Estill, 1951
Reuder, Mary E., 1951
Singer, Jerome L., 1951
Wilkinson, William W., 1951
Ballard, Robert G., 1952
Brobst, Harry K., 1952
Cornwell, Henry G., 1952
Herrington, Joseph S., 1952
Klugman, Samuel, 1952
Krasno, Isadore, 1952
Meals, Donald, 1952
Meer, Bernard, 1952
Stull, Charles E., 1952
Werntz, Jeanne Levy, 1952
Galanter, Eugene H., 1953
Heath, Samuel R., Jr., 1953
Iverson, Marvin A., 1953
Kleiser, John R., 1953
Kott, Maurice G., 1953
Leshner, Saul 1953
Macintosh, Archibald, 1953
Summerskill, John H., 1953
Vanlaer, John D., 1953
Whiting, Joseph F., 1953
Greenberg, Irvin, 1954
Levine, Murray, 1954
Spivack, George, 1954
Lacy, Osborne William, 1955
Luria, Saul, 1955
Neibuhr, Herman Jr., 1955
Nicholson, William M., 1955
Paul Irving H., 1955
Ross, Mary Eleanor, 1955
Thomas, Charles A., Jr., 1955
Badenhausen, Bayard, 1956
Bardon, Jack I., 1956
Brown, Natalie Lewinger, 1956
Chin, Arnold H., 1956
Feshback, Norma Deitch, 1956
Gellerman, Saul W., 1956
Hambacher, William O., 1956
Katz, Lawrence, 1956
Meade, Robert D., 1956
Shipley, Thomas Emlen Jr., 1956
Smith, W. A. S., 1956
Adamson, John F., 1957
Downing, Robert W., 1957
Gallup, Howard F., 1957
Glass, Harvey L., 1957
Hobkirk, Janice S., 1957
Kleiner, Robert J., 1957
Mayfeild, Clifton E., 1957
Rasch, Norman L., 1957
Seidel, Robert J., 1957
Slamecka, Norman J., 1957
Cleff, Samuel H., 1958
Denmark, Florence, 1958
Hayden, Robert, 1958
Hedberg, Raymond, 1958
Moed, George, 1958
Robbins, Doris, 1958
Rutman, Irvin D., 1958
Smith, Robert S., 1958
Wallace, Wallace H., 1958
Weinberg, Norris, 1958
Gaito, John, 1959
Kivitz, Marvin, 1959
Murgatroyd, Dorothy, 1959
Chisum, Gloria Twine, 1960
Derks, Peter L., 1960
Dyckman, Louise Madden, 1960
Esbenshade, Ann Augusta, 1960
Fey, Curt, 1960
Hodos, William, 1960
Hurvich, Mavin, 1960
Singer, Robert D., 1960
Sweetbaum, Harvey, 1960
Van Laer, Elizabeth, 1960
Berg, Kenneth, 1961
Borislow , Bernard, 1961
Duffy, James, 1961
Farnham, Sylvia, 1961
Hunter, George F., 1961
Lauer, Donald K., 1961
Loeb, Armin, 1961
Magaziner, Daniel E., 1961
Marder, Martin, 1961
Peastrel, August L., 1961
Rosen, Marvin, 1961
Shipley, Elizabeth, 1961
Wolf, Abraham, 1961
Lewis, Michael, 1962
Mook, Douglas G., 1962
Norman, Donald, 1962
Sechzer, Jeri, 1962
Cameron, Samuel, 1963
Fagen , Stanley Alan, 1963
Fishbein, Harold D., 1963
Letchworth, George, 1963
Myer, James S., 1963
Rothman, Doreen Zinn, 1963
Satinoff, Evelyn, 1963
Cetlin, Isabelle, 1964
Cetlin, Robert E., 1964
Corbit , John, 1964
Darmstadter, Henry, 1964
Holman, Eric W., 1964
Jones, Stephen Clement, 1964
Krantz, David H., 1964
Morlock, Henry C., 1964
Phares, Lester G., 1964
Rose, Richard, 1964
Bucher, Bradley Dean, 1965
Cohen, Malcolm Martin, 1965
Irwin, Mary Louise, 1965
Leaf, Russell C., 1965
Lessac, Michael, 1965
Marley A. A. J., 1965
Overmier, Bruce, 1965
Wilpizeski, Chester R., 1965
Aaronson, Doris, 1966
Crooks, Judith L., 1966
Darlington, Thomas E., 1966
Henning, Gordon Bruce, 1966
LoLordo, Vincent, 1966
Lovejoy, Elijah P., 1966
Markowitz, Joseph, 1966
Rescorla, Robert Authur, 1966
Rodgers, Willard, 1966
Sepinwall, Jerry, 1966
Singer, Jay J., 1966
Snodgrass, Joan Gay, 1966
Yager, Carl Dean, 1966
Baum, Morrie, 1967
Glassman, Robert B., 1967
Kind, Bonnie, 1967
Leff, Robert, 1967
McGinty, Dennis, 1967
Rollman, Gary, 1967
Seligman, Martin E. P., 1967
Arkowitz, Harold, 1968
Auerbach, Carl, 1968
Galef, Bennett, 1968
Lindner, Marged (Rescorla), 1968
Maier, Steven F., 1968
Mo, Suchoon, 1968
Paskal, Vivian, 1968
Purnell, Theodore, 1968
Schatz, Joseph, 1968
Snowdon, Charles, 1968
Carder, J. Brooks, 1969
Getty, David 1969
Wallsten, Thomas S., 1969
Adkins, David, 1970
D'Antonio, Michael, 1970
Graham, Norma, 1970
Hanson, Donald G., 1970
Kurtz, Ruth (Groome), 1970
Lambert, Robert, 1970
MacMillan, Neil A., 1970
McCauley, Clark R., 1970
Nelson, Margaret, 1970
Norman, Sandra, 1970
Ollman, Robert T, 1970
Scarborough, Don, 1970
Smith, Roy Hilton, 1970
Wampler, Richard S., 1970
Adam, Nilly, 1971
Allaway, Thomas, 1971
Catlin, Jack, 1971
Cohen, Joseph, 1971
Connor, James L., 1971
Eichengreen, Jeffrey M., 1971
Gamzu, Elkan, 1971
Henley, Kerstin 1971
Kalat, James, 1971
Kocher, Elizabeth, 1971
Masterson, Jill, 1971
Schwartz, Barry, 1971
Spiegel, Theresa, 1971
Basbaum, Allan, 1972
Brandes, Jack, 1972
DeBacher, Gary, 1972
Greenberg, Janet, 1972
Moscovitch, Alan Bram, 1972
Moscovitch, Morris, 1972
Rose, Mitchel D., 1972
Silberberg, Alan M., 1972
Banik, Douglas Heil, 1973
Beagley, Walter Kulp, 1973
Behrend, Erika Rossman, 1973
Henderson, Robert William, 1973
Hertz , Barbara Gevene, 1973
MacMillan, Deborah Lhamon, 1973
Markman, Ellen M., 1973
Marshall John Foster, 1973
Murray, Catherine S., 1973
Osherson, Daniel Nathan, 1973
Salter, Charles August, 1973
Shaw, Jane, 1973
Bennett, Judith Graham, 1974
Bernheim, Kayla F., 1974
Edmonds, Don, 1974
Edmonds, Susan Craig, 1974
Harrison, Michael, 1974
Johnston, James, 1974
McClintock, Martha Kent, 1974
Miller, William Ross, 1974
Mineka, Susan, 1974
Quinn, Clifton Pegues, 1974
Ristau, Carolyn Amelia, 1974
Sansbury, Richard Victor, 1974
Schwartz, Myrna, 1974
Smith, James Arthur, 1974
Wahl, Otto Frederick 1974
Zaklad, Alan L., 1974
Binik, Irving M., 1975
Camras, Linda A., 1975
Cary, Mark S., 1975
Feldman, Heidi, 1975
Goldin-Meadow, Susan, 1975
Hammond, Peirce A., III, 1975
Hawkins, Raymond C, III, 1975
Jonides, John, 1975
Jusczyk, Peter W., 1975
Kihlstrom, John F., 1975
Klein, David Chase, 1975
Levitt, David R., 1975
Lewine, Richard, 1975
Matthews, Gary G., 1975
McClelland, James L., 1975
Moscovitch, Iris Jill, 1975
Newport, Elissa Lee, 1975
Oden, David L., 1975
Shatz, Marilyn, 1975
Shizgal, Peter, 1975
Weber, Anita, 1975
Fenner, Douglas Prince, 1976
Matthews, Michael, 1976
Sigel, Claude, 1976
Slopak, Charlotte E., 1976
Starr, Mark David, 1976
Stellar, James R., 1976
Cohen, Jack Arnold, 1977
Glenn, Floyd A., 1977
Kaplan, Debra, 1977
Keil, Francis C., IV, 1977
Morrison, Robert Rigby, 1977
Sackeim, Harold A., 1977
Smith, Linda B., 1977
Stein, Marsha, 1977
Watson, Andrew B, 1977
Woodruff, Guy, 1977
Abramson, Lyn, 1978
Foard, Christopher, 1978
Macfarlane, Bruce A, 1978
Starr, Steven, 1978
Sweetnam, Michael, 1978
Weinstein, Marcia, 1978
Zemlan, Frank, 1978
Alloy, Lauren, 1979
Bogyo, Lola, 1979
Bullock, Merry, 1979
Krueger, Janet, 1979
Markowsky, Alex, 1979
Packer, Ira, 1979
Persons, Jacqueline, 1979
Smith, Rita, 1979
Foard, Mary (Molly) Logan, 1980
Kellman, Phillip, 1980
Lockhart, Kristi Lynn, 1980
Ollove, Maxine, 1980
Reisberg, Daniel, 1980
Schull, Jonathan, 1980
Seaman, Stephen, 1980
Treiman, Rebecca, 1980
Baillargeon, Renee, 1981
Bergstrom, Erica, 1981
Dolgin, Kim, 1981
Fallon, April, 1981
Fluharty, Steven, 1981
Greenberg, Mark, 1981
Wood, Beatrice 1981
Johnston, Alois A., 1981
Levin, Marcia Gale, 1981
Liran, Joseph (Yoli), 1981
Logan, John R. III, 1981
Miller, Patrick, 1981
Varner, Denise, 1981
Volpicelli, Joseph, 1981
Whyte, John, 1981
Borson, Andrew, 1982
Gilbert, Avery, 1982
Landau, Barbara, 1982
Mitchell, William, 1982
Pelchat, Rodney, 1982
Schwartz, Karen, 1982
Smith, J. David, 1982
Stewart, Judith Ann (Fourr), 1982
Talmon, Moshe, 1982
Visintainer, Madelon 1982
Berridge, Kent, 1983
Boswell, Edwin, 1983
Evans, Diane, 1983
Galotti, Kathleen Marie, 1983
Komatsu, Lloyd, 1983
Kuzmak, Sylvia, 1983
Markowsky, Pamela, 1983
Scanlon, Susan Jones, 1983
Yim, Paul (Man Him Yim), 1983
Cheng, Ken, 1984
Field, David, 1984
Fishman, Baruch, 1984
Fowler, Anne E., 1984
Grau, James William, 1985
Parrott, William Gerrod (Jerry), 1985
Pashler, Harold, 1985
Schmidt, Hilary, 1985
Toner, James Partick Jr., 1985
Trope, Idit, 1985
Waxman, Sandra 1985
Badgio, Peter C., 1986
Bloch, Diane Edith, 1986
Kossman, Debra, 1986
Nolen_Hoeksema, Susan, 1986
Sax, Leonard, 1986
Schwartz, Gary, 1986
Barkdoll, A. Edwin, III, 1987
Stewart, Karen Taylor, 1987
Vollmecke, Teresa Anne, 1987
Azzi, Assaad, 1988
Babcock, Mary K., 1988
Beattie, Jane, 1988
Bedford, Felice, 1988
Frisch, Deborah Ellen, 1988
Massey, Christine, 1988
Naigles, Letitia (Gerwirth), 1988
Nemeroff, Carol Jill, 1988
Ostrin, Ruth Kramer, 1988
Shipley, Thomas Fullagar, 1988
Smith, Carol Anne, 1988
Zullow, Harold, 1988
Barber, Jacques, 1989
Fisher, Cynthia, 1989
Kamen, Leslie Patricia, 1989
Macario, Jason Frederich, 1989
Ristvedt, Stephen L, 1989
Robbins, Steven J., 1989
Schwartz, Stanley, 1989
Yanovski, Jack Adam, 1989
Chapman, Gretchen B., 1990
Ernst, Donald, 1990
Gal, Iddo, 1990
Jaffey, Amy, 1990
Rakowitz, Susan, 1990
Saffiotti, Luisa, 1990
Bloomgarden, Andrea, 1991
Bornstein, Brian 1991
Breslin, Paul A. S., 1991
Culp, Carol, 1991
Hartnett, Patrice Martau, 1991
Heberle, Julia, 1991
Cosmas, Kathryn A., 1992
Eisner, Jane Penaz, 1992
Haidt, Jonathan D., 1992
Haslam, Nick, 1992
Heller, Laurie M., 1992
Lubin , Jeffrey, 1992
Maxwell, Nicholas P., 1992
Rosen, Aynn B., 1992
Rosenstein, Diana, 1992
Tassoni, Charles (Chuck), 1992
Cassidy, Kimberly, 1993
Engel, Ruby Ackermann, 1993
Feeley, William Michael III, 1993
Jaycox, Lisa H., 1993
Seeley, Randy John, 1993
Todrank, Josephine, 1993
Wright, Ron, 1993
Burns, Melanie, 1994
Coldwell, Susan Elaine, 1994
Friedman Miller, Lisa, 1994
Gillham, Jane E., 1994
Michener, Willa, 1994
Miller, Carol Anne, 1994
Stearns, Deborah, 1994
Buchanan, Gregory McClellan, 1995
Chow, Stella Y., 1995
Davis, James Timothy Robert, 1995
Davis, Sally Mindy, 1995
Satterfield , Jason, 1995
Strauss, Lisa, 1995
Bockisch, Chris, 1996
Buss, Emily, 1996
Hunt, Melissa G., 1996
Reivich, Karen, 1996
Shatte, Andrew, 1996
Verrekia Laura D. (Hampel), 1996
Zorrilla, Eric Paul, 1996
Zorrilla, Lisa T. Eyler, 1996
Baird, John-Paul, 1997
Gault, Barbara Ann, 1997
Hardy, Katherine Michelle, 1997
Monterosso, John R., 1997
Pantzer, Teresa Margret, 1997
Detke, Michael, 1998
Finkelstein, Jennifer (Judd), 1998
Geyer, Howard, 1998
Kako, Edward T., 1998
Lynch, Eileen Mary, 1998
Morris, Joanna, 1998
Vuchetich, John P., 1998
White, Patricia, 1998
Zuberbuhler, Klaus, 1998
Lattal, Kennon Matthew, 1998
Abela, John Robert Zachary, 1999
Bagai, Jeremy Paul, 1999
Bearden, Carrie, 1999
Furlan, Patricia, 1999
Marvit, Peter, 1999
Siepmann, Michael Martin, 1999
Snedeker, Jesse, 1999
Steinberg, Karen, 1999
Tyrka, Audrey, 1999s
Wilson, Kevin Donald, 1999
Yu, David (Lei), 1999
Cornman, Oliver P., 1899
McKeng, Anna J., 1900
Twitmeyer, Edwin B., 1902
Gault, Robert H., 1905
Bryan, James E., 1908
Heilman, Jacob D., 1908
Buehrle, Jacob, 1908
Vuilleumier, Charles, 1908
Smith, Stevenson, 1909
Town, Clara H., 1909
Snyder, Aaron M., 1910
Cameron, Norman, 1911
Phillips, George B.A., 1911
Young, Walter J., 1911
Fernberger, Samuel W., 1912
McCallie, Joseph M., 1912
Maxfield, Francis M., 1912
Sylvester, Reuel H., 1912
Mitchell, David, 1913
Bryant, Louise S., 1914
Lattimore, Eleanor L., 1916
Reiter, Frank H., 1916
Young, Herman H., 1916
Humpstone, Henry J., 1917
Williams, Gertha, 1917
Ide, Gladys G., 1918
Kephart, Adam P., 1918
Paschal, Franklyn, 1918
Holsopple, Frances, 1919
Ide, Archie L., 1919
Miller, Karl G., 1921
Viteles, Morris, 1921
Leaming, Rebecca, 1922
Starr, Henry E., 1922
Brotemarkle, Robert A., 1923
Starr, Anna S., 1923
Easby, Charlotte, 1924
Hutt, Robert, 1924
Jones, Alice M., 1924
Ninde, Frederick, 1924
Oberly, Henry S., 1924
Stratton, Leon, 1924
Rudisill, Earl, 1925
Young, Mary H., 1926
Cooper, Stanley F., 1927
Hart, John, 1927
Kessler, Mabel G., 1927
Lufkin, Harold M., 1927
McCaulley, Selinda, 1927
Murphy, Miles S., 1927
Pendleton Jr., Charles R., 1927
Biddle, Anna E., 1928
Hallowell, Dorothy K., 1928
Trumper, Max, 1928
Brown, Adelaide, 1929
Gengerelli, Joseph A., 1929
Humes, John F., 1929
Sanderson, Sidney, 1929
Scott, John, 1929
Altmaier, Carl, 1930
Buzby, Dallas, 1930
Hovde, Howard, 1930
Nathanson, Yale S., 1930
Mendenhall, Georgiana 1930
Phillips, Arthur, 1930
Twitmeyer, Arthur M., 1930
Irwin, Frances W., 1931
Lynch, Clyde, 1931
Wright, Melvin, 1931
Arons, Leon, 1932
Farson, Mabel, 1932
Groff, Marne, 1932
Hallet, Winslow, 1932
Kamper, Agnes, 1932
Schultz, Richard, 1932
Tait, Edwin F., 1932
Van Buskirk, William L., 1932
Folgmann, Emil E., 1933
Hall, Marion, 1933
Richards, Thomas, 1933
Snee, Thomas J., 1933
Elderton, Marion, 1933
Preston, Malcolm G., 1934
Davies, Elizabeth, 1935
Otis, Jay L., 1936
Smith, Kinsley R., 1936
Seidenfeld, Morton, 1937
Stevens, Harold, 1937
Herrick, Colin, 1938
Gobey, John, 1940
Martin, John R., 1940
Watts, Frederick P., 1941
Weaver, Herbert, 1942
Woodward, Patricia L., 1942
Bayton, James A., 1943
Thompson, Albert S., 1943
Capwell, Dora, 1944
Carlson, Wendell, 1946
Gebhard, Mildred E., 1947
David, Gilbert, 1948
Diggory, James C., 1948
Singer, Martin, 1949
French, Edward, 1950
Hindle, Helen, 1950
Kahn, Lessing, 1950
Marks, Rose, 1950
McNeal, Benjamin, 1950
Meltzoff, Julian, 1950
Winfield, Don, 1950
Winn, John, 1950
Davidon, Robert, 1951
Filer, Robert J., 1951
Hubert, Clair E., 1951
Klein, Sherwin J., 1951
Mitchell, Howard Estill, 1951
Reuder, Mary E., 1951
Singer, Jerome L., 1951
Wilkinson, William W., 1951
Ballard, Robert G., 1952
Brobst, Harry K., 1952
Cornwell, Henry G., 1952
Herrington, Joseph S., 1952
Klugman, Samuel, 1952
Krasno, Isadore, 1952
Meals, Donald, 1952
Meer, Bernard, 1952
Stull, Charles E., 1952
Werntz, Jeanne Levy, 1952
Galanter, Eugene H., 1953
Heath, Samuel R., Jr., 1953
Iverson, Marvin A., 1953
Kleiser, John R., 1953
Kott, Maurice G., 1953
Leshner, Saul 1953
Macintosh, Archibald, 1953
Summerskill, John H., 1953
Vanlaer, John D., 1953
Whiting, Joseph F., 1953
Greenberg, Irvin, 1954
Levine, Murray, 1954
Spivack, George, 1954
Lacy, Osborne William, 1955
Luria, Saul, 1955
Neibuhr, Herman Jr., 1955
Nicholson, William M., 1955
Paul Irving H., 1955
Ross, Mary Eleanor, 1955
Thomas, Charles A., Jr., 1955
Badenhausen, Bayard, 1956
Bardon, Jack I., 1956
Brown, Natalie Lewinger, 1956
Chin, Arnold H., 1956
Feshback, Norma Deitch, 1956
Gellerman, Saul W., 1956
Hambacher, William O., 1956
Katz, Lawrence, 1956
Meade, Robert D., 1956
Shipley, Thomas Emlen Jr., 1956
Smith, W. A. S., 1956
Adamson, John F., 1957
Downing, Robert W., 1957
Gallup, Howard F., 1957
Glass, Harvey L., 1957
Hobkirk, Janice S., 1957
Kleiner, Robert J., 1957
Mayfeild, Clifton E., 1957
Rasch, Norman L., 1957
Seidel, Robert J., 1957
Slamecka, Norman J., 1957
Cleff, Samuel H., 1958
Denmark, Florence, 1958
Hayden, Robert, 1958
Hedberg, Raymond, 1958
Moed, George, 1958
Robbins, Doris, 1958
Rutman, Irvin D., 1958
Smith, Robert S., 1958
Wallace, Wallace H., 1958
Weinberg, Norris, 1958
Gaito, John, 1959
Kivitz, Marvin, 1959
Murgatroyd, Dorothy, 1959
Chisum, Gloria Twine, 1960
Derks, Peter L., 1960
Dyckman, Louise Madden, 1960
Esbenshade, Ann Augusta, 1960
Fey, Curt, 1960
Hodos, William, 1960
Hurvich, Mavin, 1960
Singer, Robert D., 1960
Sweetbaum, Harvey, 1960
Van Laer, Elizabeth, 1960
Berg, Kenneth, 1961
Borislow , Bernard, 1961
Duffy, James, 1961
Farnham, Sylvia, 1961
Hunter, George F., 1961
Lauer, Donald K., 1961
Loeb, Armin, 1961
Magaziner, Daniel E., 1961
Marder, Martin, 1961
Peastrel, August L., 1961
Rosen, Marvin, 1961
Shipley, Elizabeth, 1961
Wolf, Abraham, 1961
Lewis, Michael, 1962
Mook, Douglas G., 1962
Norman, Donald, 1962
Sechzer, Jeri, 1962
Cameron, Samuel, 1963
Fagen , Stanley Alan, 1963
Fishbein, Harold D., 1963
Letchworth, George, 1963
Myer, James S., 1963
Rothman, Doreen Zinn, 1963
Satinoff, Evelyn, 1963
Cetlin, Isabelle, 1964
Cetlin, Robert E., 1964
Corbit , John, 1964
Darmstadter, Henry, 1964
Holman, Eric W., 1964
Jones, Stephen Clement, 1964
Krantz, David H., 1964
Morlock, Henry C., 1964
Phares, Lester G., 1964
Rose, Richard, 1964
Bucher, Bradley Dean, 1965
Cohen, Malcolm Martin, 1965
Irwin, Mary Louise, 1965
Leaf, Russell C., 1965
Lessac, Michael, 1965
Marley A. A. J., 1965
Overmier, Bruce, 1965
Wilpizeski, Chester R., 1965
Aaronson, Doris, 1966
Crooks, Judith L., 1966
Darlington, Thomas E., 1966
Henning, Gordon Bruce, 1966
LoLordo, Vincent, 1966
Lovejoy, Elijah P., 1966
Markowitz, Joseph, 1966
Rescorla, Robert Authur, 1966
Rodgers, Willard, 1966
Sepinwall, Jerry, 1966
Singer, Jay J., 1966
Snodgrass, Joan Gay, 1966
Yager, Carl Dean, 1966
Baum, Morrie, 1967
Glassman, Robert B., 1967
Kind, Bonnie, 1967
Leff, Robert, 1967
McGinty, Dennis, 1967
Rollman, Gary, 1967
Seligman, Martin E. P., 1967
Arkowitz, Harold, 1968
Auerbach, Carl, 1968
Galef, Bennett, 1968
Lindner, Marged (Rescorla), 1968
Maier, Steven F., 1968
Mo, Suchoon, 1968
Paskal, Vivian, 1968
Purnell, Theodore, 1968
Schatz, Joseph, 1968
Snowdon, Charles, 1968
Carder, J. Brooks, 1969
Getty, David 1969
Wallsten, Thomas S., 1969
Adkins, David, 1970
D'Antonio, Michael, 1970
Graham, Norma, 1970
Hanson, Donald G., 1970
Kurtz, Ruth (Groome), 1970
Lambert, Robert, 1970
MacMillan, Neil A., 1970
McCauley, Clark R., 1970
Nelson, Margaret, 1970
Norman, Sandra, 1970
Ollman, Robert T, 1970
Scarborough, Don, 1970
Smith, Roy Hilton, 1970
Wampler, Richard S., 1970
Adam, Nilly, 1971
Allaway, Thomas, 1971
Catlin, Jack, 1971
Cohen, Joseph, 1971
Connor, James L., 1971
Eichengreen, Jeffrey M., 1971
Gamzu, Elkan, 1971
Henley, Kerstin 1971
Kalat, James, 1971
Kocher, Elizabeth, 1971
Masterson, Jill, 1971
Schwartz, Barry, 1971
Spiegel, Theresa, 1971
Basbaum, Allan, 1972
Brandes, Jack, 1972
DeBacher, Gary, 1972
Greenberg, Janet, 1972
Moscovitch, Alan Bram, 1972
Moscovitch, Morris, 1972
Rose, Mitchel D., 1972
Silberberg, Alan M., 1972
Banik, Douglas Heil, 1973
Beagley, Walter Kulp, 1973
Behrend, Erika Rossman, 1973
Henderson, Robert William, 1973
Hertz , Barbara Gevene, 1973
MacMillan, Deborah Lhamon, 1973
Markman, Ellen M., 1973
Marshall John Foster, 1973
Murray, Catherine S., 1973
Osherson, Daniel Nathan, 1973
Salter, Charles August, 1973
Shaw, Jane, 1973
Bennett, Judith Graham, 1974
Bernheim, Kayla F., 1974
Edmonds, Don, 1974
Edmonds, Susan Craig, 1974
Harrison, Michael, 1974
Johnston, James, 1974
McClintock, Martha Kent, 1974
Miller, William Ross, 1974
Mineka, Susan, 1974
Quinn, Clifton Pegues, 1974
Ristau, Carolyn Amelia, 1974
Sansbury, Richard Victor, 1974
Schwartz, Myrna, 1974
Smith, James Arthur, 1974
Wahl, Otto Frederick 1974
Zaklad, Alan L., 1974
Binik, Irving M., 1975
Camras, Linda A., 1975
Cary, Mark S., 1975
Feldman, Heidi, 1975
Goldin-Meadow, Susan, 1975
Hammond, Peirce A., III, 1975
Hawkins, Raymond C, III, 1975
Jonides, John, 1975
Jusczyk, Peter W., 1975
Kihlstrom, John F., 1975
Klein, David Chase, 1975
Levitt, David R., 1975
Lewine, Richard, 1975
Matthews, Gary G., 1975
McClelland, James L., 1975
Moscovitch, Iris Jill, 1975
Newport, Elissa Lee, 1975
Oden, David L., 1975
Shatz, Marilyn, 1975
Shizgal, Peter, 1975
Weber, Anita, 1975
Fenner, Douglas Prince, 1976
Matthews, Michael, 1976
Sigel, Claude, 1976
Slopak, Charlotte E., 1976
Starr, Mark David, 1976
Stellar, James R., 1976
Cohen, Jack Arnold, 1977
Glenn, Floyd A., 1977
Kaplan, Debra, 1977
Keil, Francis C., IV, 1977
Morrison, Robert Rigby, 1977
Sackeim, Harold A., 1977
Smith, Linda B., 1977
Stein, Marsha, 1977
Watson, Andrew B, 1977
Woodruff, Guy, 1977
Abramson, Lyn, 1978
Foard, Christopher, 1978
Macfarlane, Bruce A, 1978
Starr, Steven, 1978
Sweetnam, Michael, 1978
Weinstein, Marcia, 1978
Zemlan, Frank, 1978
Alloy, Lauren, 1979
Bogyo, Lola, 1979
Bullock, Merry, 1979
Krueger, Janet, 1979
Markowsky, Alex, 1979
Packer, Ira, 1979
Persons, Jacqueline, 1979
Smith, Rita, 1979
Foard, Mary (Molly) Logan, 1980
Kellman, Phillip, 1980
Lockhart, Kristi Lynn, 1980
Ollove, Maxine, 1980
Reisberg, Daniel, 1980
Schull, Jonathan, 1980
Seaman, Stephen, 1980
Treiman, Rebecca, 1980
Baillargeon, Renee, 1981
Bergstrom, Erica, 1981
Dolgin, Kim, 1981
Fallon, April, 1981
Fluharty, Steven, 1981
Greenberg, Mark, 1981
Wood, Beatrice 1981
Johnston, Alois A., 1981
Levin, Marcia Gale, 1981
Liran, Joseph (Yoli), 1981
Logan, John R. III, 1981
Miller, Patrick, 1981
Varner, Denise, 1981
Volpicelli, Joseph, 1981
Whyte, John, 1981
Borson, Andrew, 1982
Gilbert, Avery, 1982
Landau, Barbara, 1982
Mitchell, William, 1982
Pelchat, Rodney, 1982
Schwartz, Karen, 1982
Smith, J. David, 1982
Stewart, Judith Ann (Fourr), 1982
Talmon, Moshe, 1982
Visintainer, Madelon 1982
Berridge, Kent, 1983
Boswell, Edwin, 1983
Evans, Diane, 1983
Galotti, Kathleen Marie, 1983
Komatsu, Lloyd, 1983
Kuzmak, Sylvia, 1983
Markowsky, Pamela, 1983
Scanlon, Susan Jones, 1983
Yim, Paul (Man Him Yim), 1983
Cheng, Ken, 1984
Field, David, 1984
Fishman, Baruch, 1984
Fowler, Anne E., 1984
Grau, James William, 1985
Parrott, William Gerrod (Jerry), 1985
Pashler, Harold, 1985
Schmidt, Hilary, 1985
Toner, James Partick Jr., 1985
Trope, Idit, 1985
Waxman, Sandra 1985
Badgio, Peter C., 1986
Bloch, Diane Edith, 1986
Kossman, Debra, 1986
Nolen_Hoeksema, Susan, 1986
Sax, Leonard, 1986
Schwartz, Gary, 1986
Barkdoll, A. Edwin, III, 1987
Stewart, Karen Taylor, 1987
Vollmecke, Teresa Anne, 1987
Azzi, Assaad, 1988
Babcock, Mary K., 1988
Beattie, Jane, 1988
Bedford, Felice, 1988
Frisch, Deborah Ellen, 1988
Massey, Christine, 1988
Naigles, Letitia (Gerwirth), 1988
Nemeroff, Carol Jill, 1988
Ostrin, Ruth Kramer, 1988
Shipley, Thomas Fullagar, 1988
Smith, Carol Anne, 1988
Zullow, Harold, 1988
Barber, Jacques, 1989
Fisher, Cynthia, 1989
Kamen, Leslie Patricia, 1989
Macario, Jason Frederich, 1989
Ristvedt, Stephen L, 1989
Robbins, Steven J., 1989
Schwartz, Stanley, 1989
Yanovski, Jack Adam, 1989
Chapman, Gretchen B., 1990
Ernst, Donald, 1990
Gal, Iddo, 1990
Jaffey, Amy, 1990
Rakowitz, Susan, 1990
Saffiotti, Luisa, 1990
Bloomgarden, Andrea, 1991
Bornstein, Brian 1991
Breslin, Paul A. S., 1991
Culp, Carol, 1991
Hartnett, Patrice Martau, 1991
Heberle, Julia, 1991
Cosmas, Kathryn A., 1992
Eisner, Jane Penaz, 1992
Haidt, Jonathan D., 1992
Haslam, Nick, 1992
Heller, Laurie M., 1992
Lubin , Jeffrey, 1992
Maxwell, Nicholas P., 1992
Rosen, Aynn B., 1992
Rosenstein, Diana, 1992
Tassoni, Charles (Chuck), 1992
Cassidy, Kimberly, 1993
Engel, Ruby Ackermann, 1993
Feeley, William Michael III, 1993
Jaycox, Lisa H., 1993
Seeley, Randy John, 1993
Todrank, Josephine, 1993
Wright, Ron, 1993
Burns, Melanie, 1994
Coldwell, Susan Elaine, 1994
Friedman Miller, Lisa, 1994
Gillham, Jane E., 1994
Michener, Willa, 1994
Miller, Carol Anne, 1994
Stearns, Deborah, 1994
Buchanan, Gregory McClellan, 1995
Chow, Stella Y., 1995
Davis, James Timothy Robert, 1995
Davis, Sally Mindy, 1995
Satterfield , Jason, 1995
Strauss, Lisa, 1995
Bockisch, Chris, 1996
Buss, Emily, 1996
Hunt, Melissa G., 1996
Reivich, Karen, 1996
Shatte, Andrew, 1996
Verrekia Laura D. (Hampel), 1996
Zorrilla, Eric Paul, 1996
Zorrilla, Lisa T. Eyler, 1996
Baird, John-Paul, 1997
Gault, Barbara Ann, 1997
Hardy, Katherine Michelle, 1997
Monterosso, John R., 1997
Pantzer, Teresa Margret, 1997
Detke, Michael, 1998
Finkelstein, Jennifer (Judd), 1998
Geyer, Howard, 1998
Kako, Edward T., 1998
Lynch, Eileen Mary, 1998
Morris, Joanna, 1998
Vuchetich, John P., 1998
White, Patricia, 1998
Zuberbuhler, Klaus, 1998
Lattal, Kennon Matthew, 1998
Abela, John Robert Zachary, 1999
Bagai, Jeremy Paul, 1999
Bearden, Carrie, 1999
Furlan, Patricia, 1999
Marvit, Peter, 1999
Siepmann, Michael Martin, 1999
Snedeker, Jesse, 1999
Steinberg, Karen, 1999
Tyrka, Audrey, 1999s
Wilson, Kevin Donald, 1999
Yu, David (Lei), 1999
Alterman, Benjamin, 2000 - Neurophysiological Effects of Selective Attention
Cardemil, Esteban, 2000 - The Prevention of Depressive Symptoms in Inner-City Minority Middle School Students
Cohen, Adam, 2000 - Religion and the Mentality of Mortality
Glahn, David Colin, 2000 -Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Spatial Working Memory Dysfunction in Schizophrenia
Kim, Albert, 2000 - The Grammatical Aspects of Word Recognition
Rosso, Isabelle M., 2000 - The Role of Obstetric Complications in the Development of Schizophrenia
Zhiyan, Tang (Tony), 2000 - Sudden Gains, Critical Sessions, and the Mechanism of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression
Daniels, Derek, 2001 - The Neurohormonal Interface That Mediates Sexual Behavior in the Female Laboratory Rat, Rattus Norvegicus
Gillette, Jane, 2001 - Acquisition of the Lexicon: Limits of Word to World Pairing Procedures
Gros-Louis, Julie, 2001 - Food-Associated Calls in White-Faced Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus Capucinus): Different Functions From the Perspective of the Signaler and the Recipient
Hurewitz, Felicia, 2001 - Resolving the Ability to Resolve Syntactic Ambiguity
Isaacowitz, Derek, 2001 - Optimism and Subjective Well-Being in Adulthood and Old Age
Kim, Junghoon, 2001 - Neuropsychological Evidence of Differential Deficit in Central Executive Aspects of Working Memory in Schizophrenia
Li, Peggy, 2002 - Trekking Through Space With Whorf: Language and Spatial Cognition
Lutz, Christine, 2003 - Time Ratio Perception: Discrimination and Identification Performance
Weeden, Jason, 2003 - Genetic Interests, Life Histories, and Attitudes Towards Abortion
Williams, Diana, 2003 - Brainstem Melanocortin Receptor Contributions to Energy Balance
Xin Piao, 2003 - Affect and Protective Decisions
Brotman, Melissa 2004 - Group Therapeutic Alliance and Adherence in Cognitive Therapy for Depression
Gelfand, Lois, 2004 - Assessing Effectiveness and Mechanisms in Treatment Research: A Critical Look at Assay Sensitivity and the Use of Mediation Analysis
Gottlieb, Dan, 2004 - Acquisition with Partial and Continuous Reinforcement
Gurmankin, Andrea, 2004 - Provider-Patient Risk Communication: Exploring the Gap
Moskalenko, Sophia 2004 - Group Identification, Perception of Control and Fear of Death: The Control Hypothesis of Group Identification
Range, Friederike, 2004 - The Strategies Employed by Sooty Mangabeys in a Socially Complex World
Strunk, Daniel, 2004 - Depressive Symptoms are Associated with Unrealistic Negative Predictions of Future Life Events
Alvarez, Jennifer, 2005 - Understanding Risk and Resilience for Canine Search and Rescue Handlers Deployed on September 11, 2001: Epidemiological, Experimental, and Biological Findings from a Longitudinal Investigation
Dahlsgaard, Katherine, 2005 - Is Virtue More than It's Own Reward? Character Strengths and Their Relation to Well-Being in a Prospective Longitudinal Study of Middle School-Aged Adolescents
Grant, Paul, 2005 - Dysfunctional Attitudes Mediate Cognitive Impairment, Functional Outcome and Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia
Kan, Irene, 2005 - Organization and Retrieval of Conceptual Knowledge
Leeman, Robert, 2005 - Disinhibition and Undergraduate Drinking Behavior
Novick, Jared, 2005 - Cognitive Control and the role of Broca's Area in Sentence Processing
Ostovich, Jennifer, 2005 - Sex Drive, Sexual Attitudes, and Sexual Behaviors
Wiltsey-Stirman, Shannon, 2005 - The External Validity of Randomized Controlled Trials: Outpatients and the Psychotherapy Outcome Literature
Bedny, Marina, 2006 - Understanding Words in Context: The Role of Broca's Area in Word Comprehension
Connolly, Andrew, 2006 - Concepts and Their Features: Can Cognitive Science Make Good on the Promises of Concept Empiricism
Duckworth, Angela, 2006 - Intelligence is Not Enough: Non-IQ Predictors of Achievement
Lichtenthal, Wendy, 2006 - Non-Effects of Directed Written Disclosure Among Individuals who Experience Loss
Mims, Karen, 2006 - Effects of Discourse Status on Comprehension and Production
Schaefer, Stacey, 2006 - Neural and Dispositional Correlates of Components of Affective Style: Individual Differences in Perceiving, Appraising, and Regulating Emotion
Abrams, Michael, 2007 - Jealousy Agoraphobia: An Evolutionary Approach
Barde, Laura, 2007 - Cat and Dog, Sign and Wine: The Related Recency Model of Proactive Interference in Verbal Working Memory
Egeth, Marc, 2007 - Representing Metarepresentations: Is There a Theory of Mind Module
Helmsley-Faulconbridge, Lucy, 2007 - Ghrelin and Neuropeptide Y: Actions and Interactions within the Neuroanatomically Distributed System for the control of Feeding Behavior
Nappa, Rebecca, 2007 - Attentional and Intentional Contributions to Reference
Noble, Ron, 2007 - Judgments of Quality of Life: Improvements from Depression Treatment
Oliver, Robyn, 2007 - Distributed Semantic Representations of Object Shape and Size
Aktipis-Warner, C. Athena, 2008 - When to Walk Away and When to Stay: Cooperation Evolves When Agents Can Leave Uncooperative Partners and Groups
DeScioli, Peter, 2008 - Investigations in the Problems of Moral Cognition
Gibbons, Carly, 2008 - A Comparison of Outcomes of Cognitive Therapy for Depression in Randomized Controlled Trials to Outcomes in an Outpatient Clinic
Gillihan, Seth, 2008 - Short-Term Mood Regulation: Cognitive, Neural, and Genetic Associations
January, David, 2008 - Competition in Sentence Comprehension
Leykin, Yan, 2008 - Decision-Making and Depressive Symptomology
Promberger, Marianne, 2008 - Predicting Changing Preferences: How People Think about Public Policy Proposals
Royzman, Edward, 2008 - Limits of Symhedonia: The Differential Role of Prior Emotional Attachment in Sympathy and Sympathetic Joy
Wan, Xun, 2008 - Amphetamine Exposure Enhances Pavlovian Conditioned Approach Behavior and the Underlying Accumbal Mechanisms: Evidence for the Learning Hypothesis of Addiction
Wilkinson-Ryan, Tess, 2008 - Moral Judgment and Moral Heuristics in Breach of Contract
Drucker, Daniel, 2009 - Neural Object Representation Spaces and their Metric Properties
Geier, Andrew, 2009 - Unit Bias--A Study, and Story, of a Heuristic that is Applied to the Effect of Portion Size on Food Intake
Gong, Min, 2009 - Group Cooperation under Uncertainty
Jameson, John P., 2009 - Mental health Services in Rural Areas: A Multicomponent Examination
Parks-Sheiner, Acacia, 2009 - Positive Psychotherapy: Building a Model for Empirically Supported Self-Help
Siev, Jedidiah, 2009 - Judgments about Passive Harm and the Moral Consequence of Thoughts in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Examinations of Omission Bias and Religion
Simpson, Norah S., 2009 - Effects of Partial Sleep Restriction on Biological Markers of Cardiovascular Risk: Evidence for Differential Vulnerability within a Healthy Population
Wencil, Elaine, 2009 - Cognitive Neuroscience of Interval Timing
McCarthy, Kevin, 2009 - Specific, Common, and Unintended Factors in Psychotherapy
Lim, Julian, 2010 - Attention in the Brain Under Conditions of Sub-Optimal Alertness: Neurobiological Effects and Individual Differences
Fournier, Jay, 2010 - Predictors of Response to Medication and Cognitive Therapy in the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Depression
Hormes, Julia, 2010 - Towards a Socio-Cultural Model of Food Cravings: Evidence from the Case of Perimenstrual Chocolate Craving
Maikovich-Fong, Andrea, 2010 - Subtype and Sex Differences in Children's Maltreatment Experiences and Outcomes: Four Empirical Analyses Using the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being Dataset
Minkel, Jared, 2010 - Affective Consequences of Sleep Deprivation
Prabhakaran, Ranjani, 2010 - Looking Through the Lens of Individual Differences: Relationships between Personality, Cognitive Control, Language Processing, and Genes
Quam, Carolyn, 2010 - Children's Sensitivity to Pitch Variation in Language
Simmons, Rachel, 2010 - Criticism and Social Support in Intimate Relationships
Jayawickreme, Eranda, 2010 - Well-Being, Growth and War: Mental Health in War-Affected Regions of Sri Lanka
Jayawickreme, Nuwan, 2010 - How Does Culture Impact Psychopathology?: A Quantitative and Qualitative Examination of Trauma-Related Anxiety and Depression in a Non-Western, War Affected Population
Glenn, Andrea, 2011 - Cortisol, Testosterone, and Alpha-Amylase in Psychopathy
Madigan, Sean, 2011 – The Effect of Changing Object Orientation on Lightness Representation
Schueller, Stephen, 2011 – Creating a Recommendation Framework for Positive Psychology Exercises: The Netflix Model of Positive Psychology
Szymanska, Ewa, 2011 - Retaliation versus Vigilantism: Why Do We Choose to Punish?
Atanasov, Pavel, 2012 – A Comparison of Risk Preferences in Choices for Self and Others
Dingfelder, Hillary, 2012 – The Impact of Classroom Implementation Climate on Autism Intervention Fidelity and Outcomes
Doshi, Kinjal, 2012 – Mothers of Adolescent and Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: Health Beliefs, Post-Traumatic Stress, Growth and Caregiving Practices
Hackman, Daniel, 2012 – Socioeconomic Status and the Development of Executive Function and Stress Reactivity: The Specific Roles of Parental Nurturance and the Home Environment
Hindy, Nicholas, 2012 – Object Rivalry: Competition Between Incompatible Representations of the Same Object
Lee, Thomas, 2012 – Integration and Segregation in Audition and Vision
Peskin, Melissa, 2012 – Cortisol Function, Adversity, and Subtypes of Aggression in Adolescent and Young Adult Males
Snyder-Mackler, Noah, 2012 – Kinship and Cooperation in the Multi-Level Society of Geladas (Theropithecus Gelada)
Stewart, Rebecca, 2012 – Barriers to and Facilitators of the Dissemination of Empirically Supported Treatments: Three Studies of Practicing Psychologists
Tsaukayama, Eli, 2012 – Resisting Everything Except Temptation: Evidence and an Explanation for Domain-Specific Impulsivity
Webb, Christian, 2012 – Processes of Symptom Change in Psychotherapy: Investigating the Role of Therapist Adherence, Competence and the Therapeutic Alliance
Wiener, Martin, 2012 – Context Dependent and Independent Mechanisms of Time Perception in the Human Brain
Zalta, Alyson, 2012 – Understanding the Nature of Perceived Control and Its Relationship with Anxiety
Bergelson, Elika, 2013 – Word Learning in 6-16 Month Old Infants
Fedotova, Natalie, 2013 – Psychological Contagion: Alternative Accounts, Properties, and Assessment
Gentes, Emily, 2013 – Cognitive-Behavioral Processes Distinguishing Normal from Pathological Experiences Across Anxiety and Mood Disorders
Sockol, Laura, 2013 – The Development, Treatment, and Prevention of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Coutanche, Marc, 2013 - Distributed Activity Patterns for Objects and Their Features: Decoding Perceptual and Conceptual Object Processing in Information Networks of the Human Brain
Ferri, Sarah, 2013 - Ovarian Hormone-Induced Neural Plasticity in the Hypothalamic Ventromedial Nucleus
Spaeth, Andrea, 2014 - Consequences of Chronic Sleep Restriction on Energy Balance in Healthy Adults
Gersick, Andrew, 2014 - Flexible Signaling in Response to Social and Ecological Pressures: Studies in Cowbirds, Humans and Hyenas
Hallion, Lauren, 2014 - Clinical Correlates and Cognitive Underpinnings of Uncontrollable Worry
Pegors, Teresa, 2014 - The Perception and Evaluation of Visual Beauty
Alhadeff, Amber, 2015 - The Lateral Parabrachial Nucleus Is a Site of Action for Neuroendocrine Signaling Effects on Food Intake
Forgeard, Marie, 2015 - When, How, and for Whom Does Creativity Predict Well-Being?
Kim, Betty, 2015 - Cognitive and Neural Processes of Constructed Preferences
Mukherjee, Dahlia, 2015 - The Depressed Decision Maker: The Application of Decision Science to Psychopathology
Eskreis-Winkler, Lauren, 2015 - Building Grit
Ilieva, Irena, 2015 - Cognitive Enhancement with Stimulants: Effects and Correlates
Landy, Justin, 2015 - Morality, Sociability, and Competence: Distinct and Interactive Dimensions of Social Cognition
Long, Nicole, 2015 - Neural Mechanisms of Episodic Memory Formation
Rudo-Hutt, Anna, 2015 - Biological Correlates of Conduct Disorder and Callous-Unemotional Traits
Wei, Xuexin, 2015 - Efficient Computation in the Brain
Boylan, Christine, 2015 - Features and Functions: Decomposing the Neural and Cognitive Bases of Semantic Composition
Fincher, Katrina, 2015 - Perceptual Dehumanization
Adler Braun, Alejandro, 2016 - Teaching Well-Being Increases Academic Performance: Evidence from Bhutan, Mexico, and Peru
Mattar, Marcelo, 2016 - Visual Adaptation as it Varies Across Timescales, Neural Populations, and Individuals
Roepke, Ann, 2016 - Surviving and Thriving: Evaluations of Three Interventions Fostering Well Being and Growth in the Face of Adversity
Schamberg, Isaac, 2016 - Communication and Travel Coordination in Wild Bonobos
Spitschan, Manuel, 2016 - Melanopsin Sensitivity in the Human Visual System
Gurcay-Morris, Burcu, 2016 - The Use of Alternative Reasons in Probabilistic Judgment
Bray-Cohen, Emily, 2017 - A Longitudinal Study of Maternal Style, Young Adult Temperament and Cognition, and Program Outcome in Guide Dogs
Eichstaedt, Johannes, 2017 - Predicting and Characterizing the Health of Individuals and Communities through Language Analysis of Social Media
Metz, Sarah, 2017 - Epistemic Practices in Adults and Adolescents
Scott, Sydney, 2017 - The Nature of Natural
Yuan, Robin, 2017 - The Effects of Emotion and Sleep Alterations on Hippocampus-Dependent Memory Consolidation
Brier, Moriah, 2017 - Breast Cancer Survivors and Medication Adherence: The Role of Health Beliefs, Perceptions of Aging, and Partner Support
Gao, Xuan, 2017 - What Affects Prospection? - An Examination of the Factors that Affect Future Time Perception, Sequence Preference for Future Experience, or Future Temporal Orientation
Julian, Joshua, 2017 - Anchoring the Cognitive Map to the Visual World
Lawson, Gwendolyn, 2017 - Childhood Socioeconomic Status: Distinct Correlates of Specific Types of Experience
Lorenzo-Luaces, Lorenzo, 2017 - Heterogeneity in Major Depression: Influence on Treatment Outcomes and Processes-Outcome Relations
Musz, Elizabeth, 2017 - Shades of Meaning: Capturing Meaningful Context-Based Variations in Neural Patterns
Nahmias, Allison, 2017 - Community-Based Early Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Pehlivanova, Marieta, 2017 - Individual Differences in Value-Based Decision-Making: Learning and Time Preference
Porter, Eliora, 2017 - Relationship Difficulties in Social Anxiety Disorder
Thulin, Erik, 2017 - Why We Help the Wronged: Emotional and Evolutionary Determinants of Victim Compensation
Chang, Welton, 2018 - Accounting for the Situational Context of Accountability
Keinath, Alexandra, 2018 - Anchoring the Cognitive Map to the External World
Allred, Kelly, 2018 - The Role of Attributions in the Perception of Criticism
Cohen, Zachary, 2018 - Treatment Selection: Understanding What Works for Whom in Mental Health
Morris, Sarah, 2018 - Response Inhibition in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Co-Occuring Psychopathology
Zickgraf, Hannah, 2018 - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder in Adults: Descriptive Psychopathology and Measure Development
Luu, Long, 2018 - Self-Consistency in Sequential Decision-Making
Baker, Joshua, 2019 - Assessing Credibility in Subjective Probability Judgment
Hafri, Alon, 2019 - Event Structure in Vision and Language
Yu, Linda, 2019 - The Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex in Value-Based Decision Making
Brumley, Lauren, 2019 - Childhood Adversity: Measurement and Impacts on Academic Goals and Outcomes
Cusimano, Corey, 2019 - Attributions of Mental State Control: Causes and Consequences
Kattan Khazanov, Gabriela, 2019 - Responses to Positive Events in Depression: When, How, and Why?
Keefe, John, 2019 - What Process Works for Whom: Individual Differences and the Impact of Therapy Techniques and Treatment Mechanisms
Smith, Kristopher, 2019 - Hadza Hunter-Gatherers and the Evolution of Human Cooperation: Evidence Against Partner Choice Models
Solomon, Sarah, 2019 - Relating Conceptual Structure with Flexible Concept Use
Szkudlarek, Emily, 2019 - The Role of Intuitive Arithmetic in Developing Mathematical Skill
Tardiff, Nathan, 2019 - Neurobiological Foundations of Stability and Flexibility
Yaden, David, 2020 - The Measurement and Experimental Manipulation of Self-Transcendent Experience
Clements, Caitlin, 2020 - Phenotypic and Genotypic Heterogeneity in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Galli, Olga, 2020 - Predictors of Interindividual Differences in Vulnerability to Neurobehavioral Consequences of Chronic Partial Sleep Restriction
Milaniak, Izabela, 2020 - Longitudinal Analyses of Epigentic Correlates of Externalizing and Internalizing Disorders
Watson, Bethany, 2020 - Empirical Analyses of Complex Posttraumatic Stress in Childhood and Exploration of Factors Impacting the Implementation of Trauma-Informed Care for Families Experiencing Homelessness
Zhao, Wenjia, 2020 - Drift Diffusion Analyses of Preferential Choice
Clifton, Jeremy, 2020 - Leveraging the First Comprehensive Measure of Primal World Beliefs to Further Discussions in Political, Developmental, and Positive Psychology
Kao, Chang-Hao, 2020 - Neural Mechanisms for Learning in Dynamic Environments
Lee, Sangil, 2020 - Brain Decoders
Familiar, Ariana, 2021 - Learning About Others Dynamically Changes Behavior and the Brain
Schwartz, Rachel, 2021 - Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adults with Panic Disorder: Who Does Not Benefit, and Why?
Yankowitz, Lisa, 2021 - Language and Brain Development in Autism
Angeloni, Christopher, 2021 - Perceptual Consequences and Neural Mechanisms of Auditory Adaptation
Park, Anne, 2021 - Early Experience and the Development of Dopaminergic Circuitry
Wald, Hallie, 2021 - Neurobehavioral Mechanisms Contributing to Alterations in Food Intake Driven By Caudal Hindbrain Acting Signals
Williams, Megan, 2021 - Human Olfaction and Mate Choice
Chin, Benjamin, 2022 - Computational Mechanisms Underlying Perception of Visual Motion
Richards, Keana, 2022 - Women Prepare More Than Men in Competitive and Non-Competitive Environments, Which Aligns with Gender Stereotypes
Barnett, Michael, 2022 - The Quantification of Neutral and Bhavioral Chromatic Sensitivites
Last, Briana, 2022 - From Policy to Practice: The Socioeconomic Context of Clinicians and Patients in Philadelphia's Public Mental health System
Xu, Colin, 2022 - Applications of Advanced Statistical Modeling for Understanding Depression
Zeng, Haiyun, 2022 - Tracking the Summary Statistics in Long-term Memory
Franklin, Anna, 2022 - Maladaptive Patterns of Stress Responding in Vulnerable Populations
Zou, Wanling, 2022 - Predicting Everyday Human Judgment from Natural Language
Aka, Ada, 2023 - Computational Approaches for Consumer Memory and Decision Making
Zhang, Lingqi, 2023 - Sensory Representations Optimized for Natural Environment
Berkay, Dilara, 2023 - The Role of Uncertainty in Social Cognition: Integrating fMRI and Behavioral Approaches
Buerkin-Salgado, Angelica, 2023 - Discovering Abstract Structures in Infancy
Cohen, Rivka, 2023 - A Memory-based Theory of Emotional Disorders
Duke, Anne, 2023 - Fast and Frugal Statistical Heuristics: Transfer of Counterfactual Forecasting Training Within and Across Domains
Khan, Anika, 2023 - The Impact of Childhood Adversity on Emotional, Behavioral and School Outcomes
Mao, Jiang, 2023 - Computational Principles Underlying Contextual Modulations in Visual Perception
Southwick, Daniel, 2023 - What Causes High Achievement? An Investigation of 'Talent' and its Alternatives
Stade, Elizabeth, 2023 - Novel Methods of Measuring and Classifying Depression, Anxiety, and Perseverative Thinking