Global child poverty: Can neuroscience help?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - 9:00am to 1:30pm


You are invited to a pair of workshops inspired by the Lancet report, Advancing Early Childhood Development: from Science to Scale, led by Penn faculty including report co-author Jere Behrman (Economics) and Dr. Sebastian Lipina (National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina) with participating faculty and students from throughout Penn.

Workshop I: What is known about poverty and brain development?

We will briefly lay out the “state of the art” in poverty neuroscience, examine its relevance to social policy and practice, and engage the expertise and knowledge of Penn faculty and students from diverse fields concerned with child poverty. These include economics, education, epidemiology, health disparities, medical ethics and health policy, nursing, psychology, social work, sociology, urban studies, and other disciplines within Penn.

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